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Homework will be required and checked daily for each student. I strongly encourage parents to be involved with homework activites. Parent involvement will ensure the support each student will need to help enrich the new knowledge gained at school. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have in regards to homework.
  • Spelling: On Thursday, new spelling packets will be handed out to students to study and to complete the activities over the course of the weekend and school week. A test will be completed on the following Thursday and the cycle will begin again!
  • Reading: Each student is required to complete at least 20 minutes of reading each night. Reading can involve: library books, books from home, classroom books, magazines, etc. Your child  can read to you, be read to, or chorally read the texts (read at the same time). You may choose your favorite! Please be sure to make this fun and question students about the text while reading! Also, I send home fluency packets and decodables for students to practice their word recognition and reading speed. These packets may count towards their 20 minutes of reading!
  • Math: Students will be bringing home a math sheet each night. Please have your child complete the sheet and return it to school the next day. If you are unsure of any of the questions or methods, please leave blank and I will help your child the next school day!
  • Words Their Way: Each Thursday, I will send home a list of words that we will be studying in reading workshop. Games will be completed looking specifically at their spelling patterns. This is just a resource sheet for you to know what words we are currently looking at and provide you with some extra practice if you desire! 

Daily Homework

Spelling Lists:
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